You can tell how disorganized a company is by how much they use Slack
95% of conversations/threads should be within a project management system like Clickup... and not on Slack
I was watching a recent video on Lenny’s Podcast where he interviews the CPO of Slack.
And they talk about how Slack is adding more AI functionality to be able to digest all the conversations that are happening on there and kind of make a summary for folks.
I think this is a horrible idea for people to use. And I will explain why.
First let me say that I love using Slack
I use Slack in all of my teams. In total i have 7 different workspaces and I try to keep them all clean of notifications each day.
However for the most part… for teams I run… you can almost hear crickets on Slack
The reason for this is that almost all of our work gets done in Clickup.
Meaning anything that is related to a task is a comment on that task. And not a Slack message.
This is so much better from an organizational perspective. Why?
Because on Clickup each thread is kept within the context of the task it is related to.
So even if I am doing 1000+ tasks… i can retain the context of each one very quickly by just scanning the title of the task and perhaps reading the last comment.
Try on the otherhand to be engaged in 1000+ Slack threads…. It will blow your head off.. hahaha
Disorganized teams, however, use Slack a ton
I’ve worked in some very disorganized teams in the past…. of course they were not teams that I ran.
As the first thing I would have done was kicked their asses and organized things. hahahaha
What you see in these teams is tons of Slack conversations.
They even manage entire projects this way. Updates are made in Slack but there is no other project tracking.
And let me come out and say that THIS IS A HORRIBLE FUCKING WAY TO MANAGE A PROJECT.
There is no clear assignee, no due date, no context on the goal of the task, etc